Sunday, February 18, 2007

Turnings in preparation ...

Here are some 'rough' pictures of some bowls that I have in preparation currently.
I'm calling them 'Portland' bowls as the proceeds from their sale at Waterfront Woodturners will be used to cover my expenses to get to the AAW 2007 Symposium in Portland at the end of June

Here is a batch of small quick sellers in wild olive, assegaai and yew

A nice avacado bowl with a natural edge top - 240mm diameter

Another more open natural edge avacado bowl - 260mm diameter

Here is a table full of items

Just one more coat of finish and most of them will be ready for the waterfront

From top left, clockwise, Norfolk Island Pine, cork oak, silky oak, milkwood, avocado and milkwood - an oak vessel in the centre

Another view of the table

A close up of the cork oak bowl - the smallest of a recent batch - 150mm high and 320 mm diameter

A big avacado natural edge bowl - 505mm diameter

A lovely big cork oak bowl just had it's first coat of finish today - 230mm high and 380mm diameter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
