Saturday, December 08, 2007

Gecko bowl ...

Hi again.

I've not been blogging for ages. Total activity overload and sick and tired of pounding a keyboard for a living.

Last thing I wanted when I got home each day was to face a keyboard. Anyway I seem to be over the worst.

Check out two projects I have been working on recently.

The first is the Western Cape Wetlands Blog.

The second is a total reconstruction of the website of the Association of Woodturners of South Africa. This is still a project in progress.

Anyway the bowl above was my first effort with the Powercrafter which I bought while I was at the AWSA Symposium in Portland Oregon last July. It did not last long at Waterfront Woodturners.


Anonymous said...

Dennis, this piece is beautiful. Beautiful piercing work on the gecko. Awesome...I'm a fellow turner and WOW member. Very Nice.

Andi Wolfe said...

I'm glad to see you're back to posting! The bowl looks nice.

Dennis Laidler said...

Thanks Keith and Andi