Decisions, decisions, decisions. We can only display 3 pieces. Which three is the question?
Andi the first piece below (Vessel 1) is made from the blank that you brought me on your last trip. I think it may have been Spalted Maple. If you see this please let me know by comment if you can recall the type of wood. Thanks Andi, apparently the wood is big leaf maple burl.
The second and third pieces are red ivory (Berchemia zeyheri). All the finials are African Blackwood (ebony - Dalbergia melanoxylon). I've had great fun turning these pieces. Most satisfying.
The Conference Gallery will be open to the public on Saturday and Sunday 28 and 29 April (and the morning of 1 May). Visit between 10h00 and 16h00. The venue is the University of Stellenbosch's Natural Sciences (Natuurwtenskape) Building, off Merriman Avenue, Stellenbosch.
Many of the turnings will be on sale. Hope to see you there!
Vessel 1. Spalted Big Leaf Maple Burl and African Blackwood

Vessel 2. Red Ivory and African Blackwood

Vessel 3. Red Ivory and African Blackwood

Dennis - the wood is big leaf maple burl. The spalting is a happy accident ;-)
Do these show some influences from Cindy Drozda's forms? They're all very nicely done.
Thanks Andi. Yes these are definitely influenced by Cindy Drozda's forms. I've always admired her pieces and she had an article recently in 'Woodturning' on finial design.
Izak Cronje also turns similar forms, often with a natural edge.
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