They invite many of their suppliers to exhibit and demonstrate equipment.
Brian Jolly introduced me to Felix Műller, the Sales Manager of Jet Tools in Germany. We had a good chat about why turners prefer ‘swivel head’ lathes rather than those, like most Jets, where one has to slide the headstock down to the opposite end and work large diameter pieces off the tailstock end of the bed. Puzzling over this truism all day I later sent him an e-mail explaining that, unlike the situation in most engineering workshops, most hobby turners have their lathe tight up against the workshop wall. That in mind it makes sense that the turner is going to prefer the accessibility that a swivel head lathe provides. To say nothing of the added expense of having to purchase a free standing tool post if one works ‘off the end of the bed’.
Hardware Centre use their back courtyard covered in BLUE shade netting!

An interested visitor inspects a platter just turned by Lynette Morris.

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