It sounds like she's having fun.
Here are a couple of extracts from her e-mail:
“Another busy day. This morning took the train from Chiswick to Waterloo Station, and from there to Grateley, where Stuart collected me. We had quite a long chat about AWSA matters - he seems sincerely wishing to help us get our act together - but I think we are now on the right track” …… “Stuart and Linda leave for the States tomorrow (Wednesday), and Linda returns on Sunday, while Stuart will stick around for another two weeks or so. Took pics of the pieces he's got ready to pack for his trip - some lovely pieces, and some interesting ones. Linda made us a lovely lunch, then Stuart retired to the workshop to finish a goblet he wishes to take to the States. He then took me back to the Station, and we were stuck outside Waterloo Station for ages, as a result of "industrial action" or something, and congestion in the station. Eventually got in, then I got a ticket to Chiswick and returned to the station.”
Anyway, Sarah has been great. Very generous and hospitable. Tomorrow she'll drop me at Kew” “ Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing the great Kew Garden at last. Time permitting, I also would like to go up and visit Wisley again. Linda, one of the horts has invited me, so I'd like to follow up on that. Then on Thursday I'm off to Stratford-upon-Avon.” (To stay with Phil and Christine Irons).
Gigi included a couple of pictures with her latest e-mail:

Bedford House, right on the Thames where she has stayed with Sarah Bailey for the last couple of days

"Gigi's" bedroom

The Thames out of the bathroom window

Some of Stuart's turnings that he is taking to the States

Stuart’s turnings

Another of Stuart’s amazing turnings, ouch!

Stuart's house - "Hope Cottage"

Stuart working at his lathe, with Linda in the background
You can see more of Stuart's turnings on his web site at
Check out his 'Gallery'.
I've just had a lonnnnng Skype chat with Gigi. Bloody wonderful this technology. She did get to both Kew and Wisley gardens today and seems to have had great fun. She sounds much more relaxed now that the show is over. Tomorrow morning she is off to visit Phil and Christine Irons at Stratford.
Previous posts about Gigi's trip here and here
I see that Gigi also updated her own blog late last night. There are a bunch of other pictures. See here
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