Friday, May 23, 2008

Bonn - Friday 23 May

IISD Coverage of CBD COP9

The IISD provides full reporting on the CBD COP9 Event. Click on the ENB or ENB On the Side links below for info on the main COP events and side events respectively.

IISD produces daily reports on each which are also linked to the relevant dates below.

ENB - 26 May - Covers info about the 23rd

ENB On the side - 26 May - Info on the side events of 23rd


The first session is the meeting of the Africa Group

Working Group 1:
WG I Chair Maria Mbengashe (South Africa) and WG II Chair Chaweewan Hutacharern (Thailand) reported on progress achieved. WG II Chair Hutacharern said the contact group on financial resources and mechanism agreed on a message on biodiversity for financing for development and the third review of the financial mechanism; and the group on Article 8(j) removed brackets from the text with the exception of those relating to ABS and climate change, pending outcome of discussions in the respective contact groups.
After the progress reports the WG1 session continued with discussion on:
Marine Biodiversity;
Biodiversity and Climate Change.


Meeting of the Contact Group on Agricultural Biodiversity

The Saal Bonn where the Contact Group on Agricultural Biodiversity


Working Group 1 continued


The Contact Group on Agricultural Biodiversity which I attended met until 10pm.

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