The IISD provides full reporting on the CBD COP9 Event. Click on the ENB or ENB On the Side links below for info on the main COP events and side events respectively.
IISD produces daily reports on each which are also linked to the relevant dates below.
ENB - 22 May - Covers info about the 21st
ENB On the side - 22 May - Info on the side events of 21st
The first session is the meeting of the Africa Group
John Donaldson and Brian Mantlana of SANBI
John and Brian with Fundisile Mketeni.
The meeting chaired by ?? (I'll find out tomorrow)
After the Africa Group meeting, the Working Group 1 Session that covered:
Forest Biodiversity - continuing from the previous day;
Ecosystem Approach - rolled over till after lunch;
I met Nik Sekhran of UNDP, South Africa and attended a side event, 'Achieving Synergies between the CBD and UNFCCC: The potential for Pro-Poor and Pro-Biodiversity Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)' - inteesting but focus very much on deforestation and rights of indigenous forest communities, rather than degradation which is more the issue in our province.
See page 2 of ENB On the Side (Thurs 22 May) for a brief summary of the event.
Working Group 1 Session that covered:
Ecosystem Approach - continued;
Invasive Alien Species;
Incentive Measures - not complete;
I was not involved in the Friends of the Chair group on agriculture and Forest Biodiversity which went on until late in the evening.
I took some interesting photographs at the exhibition and then on my way back to the hotel in town:
Solar World No. 1
The Greenpeace Golden Chain-Saw Award ...
... will be given to the most environmentally destructive government delegation for their efforts to block progress in the negotiations.
Kiddie trailers for bicycles.
One sees many of them in use.
Can you imagine risking your kids with this mode of transport in any South African city!
The RheinEnergie boarding passengers.
Though most people use more carbon friendly modes of transport.
Bicycles outside the Marktplaz
There are quite a few motorcycles and scooters as well.
Some as strange as this Simson Schwalbe
A close up of a Simson Schwalbe
But there is also traffic on the main roads just like home!
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