Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bonn - Tuesday 20 May

IISD Coverage of CBD COP9

The IISD provides full reporting on the CBD COP9 Event. Click on the ENB or ENB On the Side links below for info on the main COP events and side events respectively.

IISD produces daily reports on each which are also linked to the relevant dates below.

ENB - 21 May - Covers info about the 20th

ENB On the side - 21 May - Info on the side events of 20th


Working Group 1 Session that covered:
Invasive Alien Species;


Working Group 1 Session that covered:
Forest Biodiversity (a very long session);
Ecosystem approach;


Nothing official but between the station and the hotel I passed through the Münsterplatz where there was a fair focusing on Agricultural Biodiversity. Some very interesting exhibits.
Photos below:

Welcome to the Forest Forum

German Ministry of Environment

Forum for International Agri-politics

Local races of pigs and sheep

Local races of chickens

Medicinal gardens in Mozambique


Farmers as botanists in Angola

Posters protesting the patenting of genetically modified food crops

Food shortage and protests about 'terminator seeds' are high on the biodiversity agenda here.

For more info see here.

The diversity of potatoes from Peru

Gene technology free diversity: Experience and embrace it.

Rice varieties.

Farmer Network: Nan Province, Thailand

Local seeds.

Farmer Network: Nan Province, Thailand.

Bean diversity: experience and preserve

Ancient races of cattle and goats.

Embrace ancient berry varieties.


Embrace ancient berry varieties.

Gene-tech free.

Montaine Nature Conservation Association.

Different varieties of wheat.

Label the seeds correctly and win a free bag of popcorn maize seed to plant yourself!

The GEH Wool project.

Alpine mountain sheep.

Varieties of cheese.

Food, Farmers and Climate Chaos.

A USC Canada project.

Local initiatives for biodiversity research and development (LI-BIRD) - Nepal

Community Biodiversity Registration.

Building on value chain for neglected and underutilized species

Saving seeds, securing livelihoods.

Keeping seeds in the hands of the farming community (and out of the four big seed companies)

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