Monday, May 26, 2008

Bonn - Monday 26 May

IISD Coverage of CBD COP9

The IISD provides full reporting on the CBD COP9 Event. Click on the ENB or ENB On the Side links below for info on the main COP events and side events respectively.

IISD produces daily reports on each which are also linked to the relevant dates below.

ENB - 27 May - Covers info about the 26th

ENB On the side - 27 May - Info on the side events of 26th


The first session was the meeting of the Africa Group.

Working Group I:

And some inputs were made to the Africa position specifically on Agricultural Biodiversity and more specifically with reference to Biofuels.


Working Group I:

While I reviewed:
CRP.6: 'Biodiversity of Dry and Sub-Humid Lands, and
CRP.4: 'Ecosystem Approach' for the delegation


Friends of the Chair Group on Agricultural Biodiversity - 7pm to 9pm

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