Carl these are pictures of some recent pieces that I had on exhibition at the 2007 AWSA Conference Gallery in Cape Town.
Some earlier posts, below, show pieces by some other up and comming turners that were exhibited at the same conference gallery.
Norfolk Island Pine - Araucaria heterophylla
360 mm (h) x 275 mm (dia)
Norfolk Island Pine - Araucaria heterophylla
approx 250mm (h) x 100mm (dia)
Cork oak - Quercus suber
xxx mm (h) x 650 mm (dia)
You can see pictures and video clips about turning this bowl here
Wild olive, Red ivory and elephant tail hair
(Olea europea ssp. africana and Berchemia zeyheri)
205mm (h) x 310mm (l) x 240mm (w)
The 'equatorial' ring around the central sphere is a captive ring. The ring is attached to the outer section by three threads of elephant hair
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