Oneworld Sustainable Investments has been tasked by the provincial government to draft a provincial Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. I am the departmental project leader.
Below are some photographs of the organisers, speakers and participants.

Belynda Petrie of Oneworld Sustainable Investments who are running the project on behalf of DEA&DP

The delegates

Prof Bruce Hewitson

Arthur Chapman (CSIR) behind Tony Brutus (DWAF)



Many questions were put to the speakers

And copious tea and coffee consumed

Ashia Petersen and Cathy Bill of DEA&DP

Jenny Day (middle)

Arthur Chapman (left)

Keith Mackie, Guy Midgley, Bruce Hewitson and Phoebe Barnard
I'm not sure who has their back to us

Jenny Day (left)

John Richards (left) and Leonie Joubert, author of "Scorched" the new book on Climate Change in South Africa

Martin de Wit (left)

Arthur Chapman (left)

Hans Linder (left)

Rob Hounsom's group

Guy Midgley's group

Catherine Fedorsky (speaking) and Sven Kreher, a director of OneWorld (sitting)

Belynda Petrie

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